The 11th
World Congress of Hair Research (Sitges, Spain) has recently finished with many news in hair research. Together with Dr. David Saceda and Dr. Óscar Muñoz, we
could summarize the most important scientific news of each day of the Congress.
In the present article, we post these highlights and some nice pictures of the
congress!! For more information about the Congress, you can look at the hashtag
#WCHR2019 on Twitter (LINK) and Instagram (LINK).
More information in:
*Este post se ha modificado para evitar ser interpretado como promoción de medicamentos (según la legislación vigente). Para obtener información acerca de novedades terapéuticas en tricología visite a su dermatólogo.
During one of my lectures |
With Dr. Ramon Grimalt and Dr. Juan Ferrando |
With Dr. Jerry Shapiro, giving him one of our Practical Books of Trichology #TricoHRC |
With Dr. Antonella Tosti |
During the Opening Ceremony |
With Dr. Ramon Grimalt, Dr. Francisco Camacho and Dr. Juan Ferrando |
With friends from Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina... |
During the Closing Ceremony |
During the Gala Dinner, with Dr. Claire Higgins, Dr. Lidia Rudnicka, Dr. Tatiana Syliuk, Dr. Victoria Ceh, Dr. Annika Vogt,
Dr. Rachita Dhurat, Dr. Rodney Sinclair and Dr. Kevin McElwee |
*Para obtener información actualizada acerca de las últimas novedades en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de las alopecias puedes seguir el perfil de Instagram del Dr. Sergio Vañó: @SergioVanoG
seguir al Dr. Sergio Vañó en FACEBOOK pincha AQUÍ